Message Number: YG10385 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Troy Lynn Eckart
Date: 2002-01-22 15:10:00 UTC
Subject: dosing pepto

Here's my technique -
1/2 cc pepto pulled up into 3 cc syringe and then pull up 1/2 -1 cc of
heavy whipping cream, turn on hot tap water and let it run, put syring
under hot running tap water turning it around and around, then put syringe
between palms and roll syringe vigorously to mix thoroughly, then serve.
I've had great success and only 1 fuzzie showed a negative reaction (more
diarrhea) to the heavy whipping cream (at the 1 cc mixture). The warm
water makes it easier to mix and warms the solution.

hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services