Message Number: YG10489 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-01-25 14:53:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Anesthesia for neuter question

Hi Melissa,
I recommend Iso or even better Sevo for
ferret anesthesia. Can ketamine/ valium
be used? Yes, but the ferret does not wake up
as fast after the surgery. A ferret neuter is
similiar to a small dog neuter (some will do
them just like a cat neuter) and only takes 10
minutes or so. With Iso or Sevo they are up and
moving around 10- 20 minutes after the surgery.
With ketamine/valium the recovery time can be
a lot longer (1-2 hours). Thus I would just go
with the gas anesthesia and avoid the injectables
such as ketamine/valium or ketamine/ace, etc.
Hopefully your vet will use Iso or Sevo.
Jerry Murray, DVM