Message Number: YG10506 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-01-26 12:00:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Blood test results - need vets'
opinions please

Hi Nona,
From your description 2 things are possible.
1) adrenal gland tumor(s) overproducing estrogens
which is causing estrogen toxicity to the bone marrow
and the anemia.
2) an ovarian remment that is overproducing estrogen
which is causing estrogen toxicity to the bone marrow
and the anemia.
Adrenal gland disease is the most likely of the two.
The fever spikes might be from the part of the uterus that
was left after the spay surgery ("stump") and it is becoming
infected ("stump pyometra"). Either way it is time to do surgery
to remove the adrenal gland(s) or ovarian remment to solve the
problem. With her anemia a blood transfusion may be needed.
Another possible option is to use Lupron to stop the stimulation
the adrenal gland or ovarian remment and control the problem with
Lupron and antibiotics untill her pcv goes up then do surgery or
keep her on Lupron long term.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Murray, DVM