Roger Vaughn
Date: 2002-01-27 10:07:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Fur barbering
> Roger - although you don't mention how old Digger is, it can still
> be adrenal disease. In most cases, the hair falls out on its
Hi Dr. Williams,
Oh, he's itchy alright. He scratches and chews constantly. But since
he doesn't show any other overt signs of adrenal disease, how would we
He's only 9 months old. This is the same guy we have had vague GI
problems with - though those seem to have cleared up. He also had a
touch of anemia (low PCV) which we haven't rechecked. He had an
exploratory done in Sept. for a possible GI obstruction (negative) and
I honestly don't know if the surgeon did a general internal check at
the time, but nothing extraordinary was mentioned in the reports.
I noticed that the red spot on his belly is right where I put some
Nutrimalt to distract him while clipping his claws. Perhaps he is
overzealously trying to clean the spot, or perhaps he is allergic to
the Nutrimalt? The spot is also, coincidentally, right on top of the
surgery scar.
Sukie and Russ - we're pretty sure it isn't parasites. Both have had
sub-q ivermectin recently because of an early-stage ear mite infection
the new kid brought home. It's definitely not fleas, either. It may
be a fungal infection, but he isn't showing any redness or
inflammation, either. I seriously doubt it is anything topical and
communicable, as only one of them is affected. (Well, besides one of
the two cats, that is.)
Honestly, this isn't severe yet. The barbering isn't immediately
visible if you aren't familiar with him. Only if you take a close
look at his fur can you see what's going on. I just wanted to see if
anyone else had any experience with this.
Roger, Digger and Bear