Message Number: YG10584 | New FHL Archives Search
From: miamiferret
Date: 2002-01-29 13:05:00 UTC

I have watched our shelter operator feed ferrets that acted in that
manner. It takes perserverance on your part. Just keep wiping the
food back into her mouth. It can take a very long time just to get a
little bit in, but it can be done.

Alternately, I know some people have had a feeding tube inserted.
Drastic, I know, but if that's what it takes to save her life, then
that's what you might have to do. She absolutely has to eat or she
won't survive.


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Cindy" <cjansa@f...> wrote:
> I brought home a new 7 week old baby boy last weekend and now my
two older girls (Farrah-5 & Spaz-3) have come down with a severe case
of ECE. My vet taught me how to administer sub-Q fluids, and has
prescribed all the appropriate meds but I can't get Spaz to take any
duck soup and I am afraid she is going to starve to death before I
can get her over the illness. Her mouth is virtually clamped shut
which is making it impossible to get any of the stuff in. When I
squirt it in the corner of her mouth it just oozes out the side all
over her face. She is wasting away before my eyes. She can no
longer walk or even stand on her own!!!
> Any suggestion you can give me to help sustain her until her
appetite returns would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Please help me save
my little girl!
> In Desperation......
> Cindy