Message Number: YG10628 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Cindy
Date: 2002-01-31 08:47:00 UTC
Subject: The new baby just died!

I can't believe this!!!! The baby began going down hill a few
days ago. I have been watching, feeding, medicating and sub-q
fluiding around the clock but this morning his poor little
body gave up!!! He was struggling to breathe since his last
sub-q and force feeding at 4:00 am. I just tried to rest my
eyes for a second but I feel asleep. I feel so helpless and I
am so mad at the vet for telling me he could do no more than I
was doing if he was in the clinic. I just want to scream at
the top of my lungs......THIS IS SOOOO WRONG! He never even
had a name!!!

Its just Farrah now and I'm so afraid she will be next.
