Message Number: YG10635 | New FHL Archives Search
From: kellechu
Date: 2002-01-31 14:55:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 583

>it could be caused by Giardia which is sometimes very
>hard to diagnose.
>He suggested I try Flagyl and gave me 4 pills (250
mg) >each. I am to
>spit each pill into 10 parts and give her two parts
>per day, i.e.. 50 mg
>per day. She only weighs 1 1/2 pounds.

Hi, I am treating my 3 ferrets right now for Giardia.
My two older boys caught it from the 7 week baby that
we just bought from the pet store. My 2.2 pounder
takes 0.4 ml of the Metronidazole Suspension (which I
heard called by the vets as "Flagyl liquid"), my 1.8
pounder takes 0.3 ml, and the baby takes 0.05 ml. All
of them take it twice a day for 7 days. I have never
been given the pill form of Flagyl before, so I can't
say if the doseage is right or even comparable to the
liquid suspension (I'm not a vet either). How are you
supposed to give a ferret a pill? Mine have a hard
enough time stomaching the gives them the
dry heaves so I quickly give them a chaser of
Ferretone. I couldn't imagine struggling with them to
take a pill....I have an expert spitter in the group!
Hope your baby gets better soon. Keep in mind though,
once they get Giardia, they ALWAYS have it. Stress
can make it pop up again too.

Kelley and the boys

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