Message Number: YG10711 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2002-02-03 19:23:00 UTC
Subject: Re: ADV/Marshall Farms

Tara, you are getting ahead of yourself.

First off, have her review what she did in testing. I remember someone once talking about goofing up on the timing and doing the timing for the wrong part and getting a false result -- can't recall details or which test it was but re-testing carefully makes sense even if it means have the vet do it. If there is any confusion get a vet involved in the testing for the second round of testing to be most accurate.

Let's not let this result in rumors while there isn't enough data, people! Let's get all the info first; because if it becomes a witch hunt bad things could happen when they shouldn't. No matter what the results wind up being let's get those needed results before drawing any conclusions!

> My question: I called Avecon last week about something else.I talked to
> a Dr there/ I asked how long after exposure should one test.He told me
> it takes at least 6 weeks to show up.Doesn't this PROVE her 9 week old
> baby got it at Marshall Farms????? She's only 9 weeks! If it takes 6
> plus weeks to show up then it was NOT exposed at the Pet store.