Message Number: YG10743 | New FHL Archives Search
From: kath0524
Date: 2002-02-04 13:31:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Vets: Is there a substitute for Flagyl?

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., Russell Prater <russellprater@w...>
> Go to Yahoo groups, Ferret Health List and read post 7816 by Dr.
Williams. It is about compounding Flagyl to be more acceptable. If
you do a search on Compounding Flagyl and hit NEXT a few times you
will come to a half dozen more post on that subject.

We tried Dr. Williams' friends compounding for flagyl and mine hated
it just as much as every other one. I believe I posted that after we
tried it. Someone on this List posted at the same time that they
were having flagyl compounded and her (?) ferrets loved it! I asked
for the formula but they never responded.

A couple of mine just happened to need flagyl shortly after Dr.
Williams' post came out. I asked Doc to try it. The compounding
pharmacist had a heck of a time getting the ingredients but finally
did (after about 3 days). It was NOT a success at my house.
