Message Number: YG10778 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Lynn McIntosh
Date: 2002-02-04 23:49:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Vets: Is there a substitute for Flagyl?

Not a vet but here's my .02 for what it's worth. Is no one on the list using
Fenbendazol (Panacur or Safe Guard are the brand names; 10% pastem 100
mg/g) to treat ferrets with giardia? That is what our excellent vet has
prescribed for giardia. She examined a fecal sample pre- and post- treatment
and determined that it worked. None of our ferrets minded the taste (some
lapped it up) and we purchased it, after receiving the correct dose from our
vets upon examination of our ferrets, at a local feed and seed store. It's a
worming med for horses (sounds weird but our vet knows her stuff) so for
about $8 you get enough for several ferrets. Dr. Mike Dutton posted about
using it with ferrets on the FML back in '95; said he goes by the cat dose.
Also, I have seen posts regarding the misidentification of giardia in ferrets; I
doubt this is the case with our vet.

For ulcer treatment we have used Biaxin (more costly) instead of Flagyl; Dr.
Williams had a good protocol for this. Our ferrets tolerate Biaxin and
Fenbendazol much better than Flagyl. We have tried different suspensions of
Flagyl and they were all hated. Between Fenbendazol and Biaxin our vet
declared that she would avoid Flagyl wherever possible with ferrets, due to the
extreme stress their hating it caused. We can administer the Flagyl; my
husband is very adept at oral meds and sub-q fluids, but decided not to since
there were options.

Lynn McIntosh