Message Number: YG10780 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Ulrike Stanley
Date: 2002-02-05 08:23:00 UTC
Subject: Fungal skin infectins?


My Willow was spayed 2 weeks ago and shortly after her spay I noticed a
"sore" on her back below her left shoulder. I thought it was a reaction to
an antibiotic shot. A few days later I noticed yet another one of the round
skin things. I blamed it on the second shot she had when she had another
antibiotic and diuretic shot. But when I noticed a third one, I became
worried. I shaved the coat around the things to have a better look. First
I thought they were abscesses but they didn't behave like an abscess, they
are very superficial and there's no puss seeping out. Plus Willow has been
on antibiotics for 8 days, yet those things happily developed, not at all
affected by the antibiotic (Synulox) which usually makes abscesses disappear
so quickly. They start as yellow/green(ish) round circles with a red circle
of thickened skin around them, then you see a red dot appear in the centre,
this dot becomes bigger and turns into a bloody looking scab which soon
covers the whole sore and then the scab gets smaller until it is healed. A
friend now said they look like a fungal infection? Probably candida? Has
anybody had this before? This would mean that my Gremlin didn't have an
abscess after her spay last year but also a fungal infection. Except hers
was huge, 2 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide. I never saw puss coming
out but it looked like there was puss underneath the skin (like it did with
Willow). But Gremlin's infection behaved the same way that Willow's sores
are behaving now. If anybody wants to have a look at Gremlin's sore, it's

I have uploaded 2 of Willow's pictures. One from last Friday, one from
Monday. They are here:

All help is appreciated.

Best wishes from
and Jack, Bella, Mason, Baby, Dana, Fox, Reno, Rose, Jasmine, Hobo, Gremlin,
Bobby, Willow and Tara

Missing Angel, Hope, Igor, Barney, Tom, Spike and Jilly

West Wales Ferret Welfare
E-mail: ferretlove@n...
Last update 27/01/02

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