Susan Farrell
Date: 2002-02-05 09:52:00 UTC
Subject: Exercise for Gandalph
I have heard that "swimming" in the bath tub helps for
exercise. Most ferrets that I know are self
maintaining in the eating department. They have a
three hour mataboblizum (sp?) so it is best (in my
opinion) to make sure there is food available.
My vet counts out the food pieces when she has animals
that stay overnight. This way she can tell how much
was actually eaten. You might want to separate them,
temporary of course, and try this method. Just to see
what his actual intake is.
Hope this helps...
Some days you're the dog,
Some days you're the hydrant.
You shot him in the back!
Well, his back was to me.
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. -Charles Schultz
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