Message Number: YG10801 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-02-05 17:22:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 591

In a message dated 02/05/02 9:26:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Also, if positive, isn't it possible that she had an exposure but
does not have an active infection, so separating them would be
icing on the cake in that situation? Doesn't the test show
exposure rather than infection?

The tests are for antibodies to the disease. So it is possible that
a ferret that tests positive may have managed to fight off the
virus. It's not likely, but possible. For my own peace of mind, I
would never have a ferret with a positive test near my ferrets -
the disease is too horrible to take that chance, in my opinion.

Dr. Ruth
Save lives - spay or neuter your pet.