Date: 2002-02-09 20:19:00 UTC
Subject: Extremely Sick Ferret - Our vet is on holidays....
I am hoping someone can help, my friend has a very sick ferret on his
hands...and our regular vet is on holidays. I am struggling with
this one because a ferret will tell you when it is time, or you will
have a feeling about what is best for the ferret, but this time...I
am not yet convinced that it is his time.
I have included a history as well as the pathologist's interpretation.
Unfortunately, however our pathologists work off the assumption that
a ferret is a cat, so I am extremely hesitant, and oftimes quite
skeptical, to believe their analysis of ferret blood work. I don't
even know if their normals are correct for ferrets.
HISTORY FOR LIQUID (4.5-5 year old male)
Monday: Lack of appetite, not wanting to move around much. Still
eats treats. Excrement nomal.
Tuesday: No appetite for normal food. Start feeding baby food mix.
Seems comfortable just lying down and not moving. Movement causes
slight wincing. Back end off balance.
Wednesday: Unable to move more than two steps without collapsing.
Expresses desire to move onto a different level of cage but doesn't
have the strength or energy. Excrement is dark green, very close to
black and gooey, not solid. No desire for baby food or anything else
food wise, doesn't drink much water. Nose is blocked. Taken to vet,
who noticed poor back teeth, and ulcers on the gums around the
teeth. Blood Glucose levels low, spends the night at hospital.
Thursday: Blood Glucose levels have been recorded three times in the
evening (including previous day) both are abnormally low. The final
fourth reading is abnormally high, which the Dr. has no explanation
for. Vet put him in an incubator to keep him warm, as he is
seemingly shivering. He is put on something that trys to stabalize
his BG levels, but after the full day doesn't register any
improvements. Take a blood panel.
Friday: Blood work results back. No improvement in Liquids condition
at all. Dr. says Liquid is urinating but that Kidneys are near
failure, will try to 'flush' them out and monitor him for another 24
Saturday: He is now exhibiting signs of gastric ulcer - grinding
teeth and black, tarry feces. He is with us and we are giving him
baby food (with Timmy's tonic and red clover). He took 3cc about an
hour ago, and we are just about to give him some more. We will be
giving him Sub-Q's on a regular, frequent basis. His mouth is
pretty tender, as his gums are very red and bloody. I would like to
try some Anbesol. The vet prescribed Sulcrate for the ulcers and
antibiotics for any infection. My friend was told if he took him
home, off the IV fluids, that it would worsen Liquid's condition but
again, I am not convinced...
Their diagnosis is severe renal azotemia with hypoglycemia high
osmolality. They think the ferret got into antifreeze. This is
simply not the case.
He has severe dental disease and oral plaques inside his mouth, which
are necrotic with white plaques.
I have only included the blood tests that are out of range.
General Panel
Hematocrit 0.389 l/l (normal: .42-.55)
Mean Corp Hemoglobin 18 pg (normal: 13-16)
basos 0
eos 0
bands 0
polys 7221 (87%)
lymph 332 (4%)
monos 747 (9%)
aniso: slight
poikilo: slight
platelet: adequate, size variability apparent
slight echinocytosis
Chemistry Screen
bld urea nitrogen 336 mmol/l (normal 5.9-14)
creatinine 943 umol/l (norm: 75-156)
sodium 161 mmol/l (140-158)
potassium 6.3 mmol/l (4-5.7)
calcium 1.73 mmol/l (norm:2.31-2.7)
phosphorus 13.84 mmol/l (.92-2.15)
alk phosphatase 19 iu/l (norm: 20-110)
Sgpt [alt] 344 iu/l (norm: 87-340)
gamma gt 33 iu/l (norm: 4-25)
carbon dioxide 9 mmol/l (norm: 18-26)
anion gap 42 (norm: 7-19)
creatine phosphokinase 1341 iu/l (norm: 35-245)
Thank you so much,