Message Number: YG11024 | New FHL Archives Search
From: miamiferret
Date: 2002-02-12 08:48:00 UTC
Subject: Re: She died tonight

I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. I certainly don't want
to cause any more pain, but I find it very strange that it took an x-
ray for them to determine that your little girl was really a boy.
How much do they know about ferrets if they can't even tell a female
from a male, which is quite easily determined just by turning the
ferret over and looking.

I know this doesn't help you or your ferret now, and the sex
certainly made no difference in the treatment or outcome.


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Richard Steele" <rasteele@h...>
>From the xrays today it was determined that she is a he!!!