Message Number: YG11054 | New FHL Archives Search
From: dr_bruce_williams
Date: 2002-02-12 22:41:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Help Please!

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., diwilliams310@a... wrote:
> I need some help. I found bright red blood in my ferrets'
litterbox this
> morning. I have 2 ferrets, so I dont know who did it. I have them
> right now and are waiting for a phone call back from my vet, but in
> meantime what can I do? They are both acting fine right now.
They've been
> eating and playing like normal. I haven't seen anyone vomit or act
sick at
> all. What could cause this? Any help is greatly appreciated!

There are a number of problems that can cause this, to include
diseases like proliferative colitis, the passage of a foreign body, a
shock episode, even severe straining.

My recommendation would be to separate if possible, so that you can
first identify who is doing it. The fact that everyone is acting
well is a good sign and we'll cross our fingers that it isn't

Once you find out who is doing it, then I would watch very closely
for any sign of illness. A checkup at your vet is probably in order
if you see any downturn at all.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, dVM