Message Number: YG11158 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Angela Espinet
Date: 2002-02-17 21:27:00 UTC
Subject: Re;Advice for Knucklehead!

Poor thing, what a name!!! I am going to give you my
honest opinion for what it is worth, as I am sure
everyone else will do the same!
Since poor Knuckles is 7 years old and has insulinoma,
I feel, as you, that it will be extremely stressful
for him to have surgery and just how long you would
extend his life is questionable at best!
However adrenal tumors in male ferrets can become life
threatening at an alarming rate, when the prostate
becomes involved! You will need to keep a close check
to make sure he is urinating without difficulty and
perhaps you could consider giving him Lupron
injections, as it would stretch out the cost for you,
would be much less stressful to the ferret and would
help keep the symptoms at bay---Perhaps a name change
might help???(just joking)---Angela.

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