Message Number: YG11185 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Barbara Peck
Date: 2002-02-18 16:09:00 UTC
Subject: Re: transplanting plants

Hi Kathie:

We have run into the same situation with our four-legged tiller,
Punkin. Aside from watching her like a hawk when she was out to
verbally warn her, the best thing we have found is to place a layer
of the large, smooth creek pebbles on top of the soil. We get them
at the garden center and they're just smooth and heavy enough that
she soon gave up and quit playing in the plants. We now have several
floor plants that she will occasionally sniff at but once she sees
the stones she heads off for easier "prey" like my gloves.

Good luck,

Barb, Peanut & Punkin

>Hi everyone, We're finally settling in with our baby 5
>month male Pookie. It's so different having a kid
>again. I forgot how energetic they are. Wow! Our only
>problem, not bad considering he wasn't out of a cage
>until 3 weeks ago, is that he's a jumper. I swear he
>has springs on his feet. He loves to jump and dig in
>all my plants. I have them behind the couch on high
>tables and he manages to get to them. He also loves to
>clean off my end tables but theres nothing on that he
>can get in to. How do I save my plants? Barney Mandy
>and Buster were never that obsessed with dirt like
>Pookie. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
>Kathie and the gang

Barbara D. Peck
Director, Graduate Student Enhancement Program
Administrative Secretary to the VPR and
Dean of the Graduate College
Bowling Green State University
120 McFall Center
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0183
Phone: (419) 372-7714
FAX: (419) 372-8569