Date: 2002-02-19 15:53:00 UTC
Subject: Re: 5 Month old balding ferrets
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "bobnjacks" <bobnjacks@y...> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions. I will try switching them to a better
> food and stop the suppliment. Do you know of anyting topical I can
> put on their skin to help?
> Hi Bob,
This is Leanne from the Acme board. I would suggest some relief
shampoo and conditioner available from the vets office. It's made
with conditioners that don't dry out their skin. I used it when my
Kodos skin was flaky between adrenal problems and it worked great. I
am hoping the two vets that post here have a more potent suggestion
for you.. You might repost and as for Vet help. Mike is right like I
posted before, that it could be seasonal. However if they at all are
the same age, same litter (totally possible) they could have
something genetic. It could possible be a allergic reaction to
something. I would def. stop by bi-odor and see if that makes any
changes. Wash their bedding with a non-perfumey detergent for
sensitive skin and put through the rinse cycle two times and use no
dryer sheets. It could also be a food allergy to something but. In
reality only a ferret knowledgeble
vet could probably help you more.