Message Number: YG11229 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jen & Andre
Date: 2002-02-19 19:00:00 UTC
Subject: stress

Hi all, I hope this is health related, I'm concerned about
the stress that my 2 year old seems to be going through right
now. I had three ferrets. In January the oldest was put down
for lymphoma. three weeks later my second oldest went into
emergency and was put down 5 days later diagnosed with
insulinoma, adrenal tumors and severe infectious peritonitis
(we don't know where the peritonitis came from, the onset was
fery fast after starting pred for the insulinoma. the doctor
said she was not a good surgery candidate). The youngest (Fig)
seemed to be tolerating her solitude quite well. We brought
home a new ferret a couple of days ago and I am seeing that
Fig is really quite upset. She has been very hostile to the
new baby and now tries to avoid him, acting sluggish with her
eyes half closed. She vomited tonight. She tries to hide. This
is not characteristic of her personality and I am perceiving
that she is lacking the support of her buddies in facing an
unfamiliar ferret. She seems lonely, sad, afraid and stressed.
I had hoped that getting the new guy would help this, not
amplify it. If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate hearing
it. I want them to get used to each other so I have been
giving them daily time together. Maybe it's too early?
