Date: 2002-02-20 18:21:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Stiff Ferret
Thanks for the helpful info, I will look into that. However, my
little guy does not appear to have any pain or even weakness. He
acts more like he is stiff and muscle bound. Arthritis affects the
joints, and probable arthritis medication would improve joint motion,
but his really seems to be a muscular problem. I don't really know
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "my4ferrets2001" <my4ferrets@c...>
> I have a 4 year old male who suffers from arthritis. He could
> walk and when he'd stand to eat, his legs would buckle on him. My
> vet put him on 1/4 tablet of SynoviCre twice a day. Within 2
> he was running around like a kit again.