Message Number: YG11373 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2002-02-22 21:25:00 UTC
Subject: Re: skin lymphoma

>The report stated lymphoma. ..

> on how to treat this?(Chemotherapy?) Thank you for your time.
> ...
> mitotic index in this case suggests that this tumor may
> respond at least partially to some form of chemotherapy.

Given that he is only 3 and 1/2 have you considered the Jeglum
Protocol for these guys? I knew someone with a ferret who got
remission and another 5 years as a result. The success rate is
low, but he's at the best age for success so may be worth a try.

I am not a vet myself and it has been long time since that was
used but Dr. Ann Jeglum was then pretty well known as Dr.
Lympho and if anyone has a protocol with promise then she
might. She's in PA and you can find her in your hospital's issue
of the AVMA directory if they get that.

The oncologists at the Animal Medical Center in NYC also tend
to know the latest and greatest and will interact with your treating
vets through folks like AMC exotics specialist Kathy Quesenberry
(of _Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents, Clinical Medicine and
Surgery_ ) and exotic specialists there.

If we were in your shoes those would be among the oncology
specialists I'd ask, and I'd also ask here -- as you have done --
to find out which other veterinary oncologists may be helpful.

(Please, note that when treatments are under discussion then
the treating/analyzing veterinarians' names are removed, but in
this case it seemed that you needed possible referral
sugestions for further consultation, so that is a different situation.
As soon as any of those are involved in the case, if they become
involved, their names must disappear from the discussion as
per the rules.)