Message Number: YG11522 | New FHL Archives Search
From: jasperand4
Date: 2002-02-26 13:42:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Abdomen swelling/cystic kidney

Hi everyone,
I posted a few days ago about my 8 month old Lily having an
abdominal swelling, but otherwise appearing very healthy.
She was eating, drinking and playing as normal!
I took her to see the vet yesterday morning and he said that
there was definitely something in her abdomen that shouldn't
be there. He suggested an ultrasound scan and a likely
exploratory surgery. She was scanned at 11.30am and Richard
(vet) phoned me to say that there was a pocket of fluid
conbined with tissue and that he needed to open her up.
She was in surgery for over two hours and had her right kidney
removed. Richard said it was a cystic kidney and the fluid
almost filled her abdomen. She had a small bleed when she
began to move around, so she was opened up again and I really
thought at that point, we would lose her.
However, she is still here and slowly gaining strength. She
was taken home by the surgeon last night and is spending
tonight at the vets. All being well, she can come home
We are going to send off a sample, in the hope that we can get
some answers, why this has happened.
My main concern now is, after she gains strength and is well
on the road to recovery, is there anything I need to be aware
of. Will I need to change her diet -- Should she be given
lower protein?
Does she now run a higher risk of her other kidney being
If anyone has had experience with this and the removal of a
kidney, I would be very interested to hear if they had any
problems arise.

Many thanks

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