Amy & Dave Seyler
Date: 2002-02-26 10:35:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Blood in Urine
Has your vet checked for bladder stones? This may be another possibility.
They may be small enough that Tracy can still evacuate but the stones are
damaging the bladder walls, causing the brownish look of old blood.
Stones can usually either be palpated or definitely caught on X-ray.
Good luck!
Amy, Dave, Sarah and Paul (and their gaggle of giggling ferrets)
RIP Ian, Elektra, Claudia and Sidney
>Hello everyone. Weeks back I posted that one of our rescues-'Tracy' was
>having brown urine. No replies from the group-perhaps no one had any
>experience with this. Tracy had her annual check up early February . Vet
>able to squeeze some urine from her and the urine analysis showed blood.