Message Number: YG11535 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-02-26 20:07:00 UTC
Subject: Re: ECE -- Pathology Report - Part One

Dr. Williams asked for the pathology report to be posted. It is a little
long and was performed on the fourth ferret, Buddy, that died. The report is
from the Idexx Lab.

Clinical History:
Multiple ferrete household. Three patients have died with clinical signs of
tarry stool, lethargy and hind limb weakness.

Gross Description
External Examination:
Examined is a mature ferret in fair body condition. There is moderate
autolytic change.

Abdominal Cavity:
There is minial ingesta within the stomach, minimal ingesta is found
throughout the small and large intestine. Segments of the small intestine
exhibit dark red-purple discoloration. Red fluid ingesta is gound in these
regions. There is mild enlargement of the mesenteric lumph nodes. Segmental
reddening/congestion of the duodenal region and surrounding pancreas is
observed. The liver is mildly pale and exhibits an accentuated lobulated
pattern. A mild amount of fibrin is found along the capsular surface.

The kidneys are symmetrical and appear to be within normal limits. The right
adrenal gland exhibits mild enlargement and nodularity. Less than 1ml of
clear yellow urine is found withing the urinary bladder.

Thoracic cavity: The diaphram is intact and negative pressure is found
within the thoracic cavity. The lungs appear to be within normal limits. A
mild thymic remnant is found within the anterior mediastinum. The heart
reveals no evidence of congenital malformation. --- on to Part Two