Message Number: YG11724 | New FHL Archives Search
From: kent_polk
Date: 2002-03-07 12:28:00 UTC
Subject: Help!!! Need Vets Advise On Urinary tract blockage

My ferret Alex (8yrs old)had to be taken to the emergency clinic
Monday night because of pain and crying when trying to urinate.
The vet catharatized him through the penis and drained a lot of urine
out of him with small gritty sand. We took him home hoping that he
was cleaned out and would start on his own again. He did not.
When we took him to his vet the next day his bladder was again full
and uretha blocked with only a "puss" like substance coming from his
penis. They had to surgically catharitze him because they said he
urethra was to blocked to fit a cathater. After flushing his bladder
with saline they said they found a lot of mucasy puss and some
crystals. He was peing on his own overnight at the vet very small
quiatities of urine. We took him home and now he is straining again
without anything coming out I am taking him back to the vet to be
drained again so his bladder doesn't explode. He is not eating even
the soup I mixed up and he is constantly sleeping except to get up
go to the litter box where nothing comes out.
THe blood tests came back with slightly elevated kidney levels but
nothing irreversible yet.
The vet says that his urethra or penis is so inflammed it is not
allowing him to urinate. If this is the case is there something else
I or the vet can be doing to help the swelling go down faster?
Is there a better treatment available?
Any help is appriciated.

If I am forgetting something I appologize I am a little flustered.
Kent & Alex