Cynthia Farrell
Date: 2002-03-07 09:41:00 UTC
Subject: hacking/dry heaving
Last night at 3 a.m. I was woken up to one of our girls, Sasha, making some
sort of hacking sound. It "sounded" like the feeling you have when you have
a popcorn shell stuck in the back of your throat. She's insulinomic, and I
thought she might be having a seizure, although it didn't seem like any
seizure she'd had before, but I rubbed som Karo Syrup on her gums, but to no
effect. I'm convinced now that's not what it was. Anyways, I held her for
a bit and the hacking continued. When I put her down, she ran to a corner
and started dry heaving. She did that for a while and then settled down to
sleep. She was still alert and moving around while all of this was going
on. A half hour later, the same series of events: hacking, dry heaving,
sleep. This went on until I left at 7:30 this morning. With each series
she seemed weaker.
She really doesn't chew on non-food stuff, so I don't think she ingested
anything and got impacted.
As I mentioned, she is insulinomic and on 1.25 mL of Pediapred daily, and
gets fed chicken baby food 3x/day. She last ate kibble at 9 p.m. last
night, and got baby food at 10. She IS extremely bloated - she seems to go
through a monthly occurance of slowly getting more and more bloated, and
then she's lethargic for a few days, and then must pass what's in her
intestine, because she'll suddenly be slender and active again. Like I
said, this happens about every month, and it last happened nearly exactly a
month ago.
My husband stayed home and is taking her to the vet today, but any
suggestions anyone might have would be most appreciated. What could be
causing this?
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