Date: 2002-03-09 17:34:00 UTC
Subject: low glucose, high lymphocytes
Hello again,
I have posted numerous time about Toby, who originally was treated for
possible ulcers because of teeth grinding and not wanting to eat.
Anyway it has been two months and I have been feeding him with a duck
soup mixture of ground kibble and a/d mixed with ensure.
He is off his meds and seemed to be doing better actually gained a
whole pound! Noticed last night he was pushing his duck soup away so
back to the vet. She did a bloodwork and barium x-ray. She found a
hairball in his stomach, but he should pass it. My concern is on his
bloodwork, It showed his glucose level at 30, which my vet says is low
and his lymphocytes are high again. They had returned to normal while
on his antibiotics. He has been off his antibiotics for over 2 weeks.
Could his glucose level be altered by the sugar in the ensure? Also my
vet gave the possibility of insulinoma or a tumor in the pancreas. She
said to bring him back when I can for more tests, she knows I have
limited money for this, already spent over 600.00.
Does anyone have any advice on his problems or what I should do next.
He is playful and fully alert.
Thanks again,
Dorie and Toby