Message Number: YG11798 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Angela Espinet
Date: 2002-03-10 12:43:00 UTC
Subject: low glucose, high lymphocytes!

Hello Dorie,
I agree with Mike about the hairball! It seems to
me that the hairball and the low blood sugar should be
treated immeadiately as both are life threatening!
As far as the low blood sugar goes, I would give a
much higher protein diet until you can do surgery for
the hairball! Give him Chicken BABY FOOD mixed with
the A/D and a little Ensure will not hurt, if he needs
it as an enticement to eat the soft diet, however long
term use is not neccessary!
When you checked the blood sugar had he not eaten
for some time? You really need to fast him, after
giving the soft food, for no more than 4 hours and
then check the blood glucose for a true reading! It
could have been low, due to not eating for some time!
Now as far as the hairball goes, what is your vet
doing about it, has she given him something to move it
out of his stomach? Of all the ferrets that I know
about that have had hairballs, I only vaguely remember
one not having surgery and then perhaps that was a
BTW having a hairball can contribute to other
symptoms also, so that might be your priority and
whilst he is undergoing surgery, your vet could then
check for any other problems! I would make sure about
his blood glucose first so that all precautions are
taken during surgery, if neccessary---Angela.

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