Message Number: YG11862 | New FHL Archives Search
From: daneedv
Date: 2002-03-13 07:19:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Female In Heat

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., MC <MC@P...> wrote:

> Could the HCG meds used by the vet be out of date? (Does it lose it
> potency if stored for long periods of time?)

I believe (my vet has said) that HCG has a shelf life of about 2
months after it has been mixed. Because he usually doesn't get a lot
of call for it. he usually ends up throwing most of each vial away.
So, did your vet mix it up new for your girl, or was it something he
had on hand from a previous customer? If the latter is the case, it
may be expired.
That said, I had a jill that would not come out with the shots.
After 2 shots and several more weeks I put her with a V-hob, and she
promptly came out. Do you know anyone with a V-hob? That may be
your best bet at this time.