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Date: 2002-03-13 13:21:00 UTC
Subject: Re: re: warning and insulinoma guide
From: "Gail Burlaka" <gburlaka@e...>
>To Lois Caselman -WHERE are you buying this from????
I'm not Lois ;) but I also get a 120 ml bottle of pediapred for about $30
($27.95, to be exact, about six weeks' worth for my one ferret) directly
from my vet's, which is a large animal hospital (i.e. a large hospital for
animals, not a hospital for large animals) in the Boston, MA area. I
suspect it's cheaper there because they can order it in bulk quantities. If
you're paying a lot more than that, you might check out the pharmacies in
human hospitals near you and see what their prices are like.
Regina Harrison regina_z@h... or regina@c...
Is that my business? Well, what is my business? Do I know? Did I ever
know? Lets not go into that. Youre not human tonight, Marlowe. Maybe I
never was or ever will be... Maybe we all get like this in the cold
half-lit world where always the wrong thing happens and never the right.
--Raymond Chandler, The Little Sister
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