Message Number: YG11884 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-03-13 14:01:00 UTC
Subject: Re: update Toby recheck

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "dorinnek" wrote:
> Hello,
> Dr. Williams and everyone else who responded to Toby, who
has a
> possible hairball, and recent low glucose of 30 and high

Were either or both tests done after fasting? When I am going
to have a BG run on one of my kids, I feed them some chicken
baby food (so I know they have eaten) about 3 to 4 hours
before the test. That way, I know for sure they have not gone
longer without food, but they have still fasted.
If Toby had not eaten for a long time before the first test,
but had eaten just before the second test, you might see that
kind of discrepancy in the results. If both tests were done
fasting, then the discrepancy is odd, and could indicate one
was not done correctly.
As far as the grinding - that indicates stomach upset, and
should probably be treated. If it continues long enough, it
may end up causing ulcers. Are you giving Toby anything for
upset stomach, like carafate? Perhaps you should ask your vet
if adding carafate would be appropriate.
ADV - If your ferret hasn't been tested, you don't know!
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