Message Number: YG11951 | New FHL Archives Search
From: the return of weezilarchy
Date: 2002-03-18 22:15:00 UTC
Subject: Sid's CBC results

CBC results:

everything was completely in normal range, with the exceptions of:

phosphorus=3.6 (normal=4.2-8.5) and

chloride=116 (normal=90-110).

my vet didn't feel hat these two abnormals were sever enough to be a
worry, nor that they pointed to anything in specific. as sid has
remained stable for two full days now, and his asocites(sp?) is not
due to fluid build-up, dr. feels that we should adopt a wait and
watch attitude for now, and that it may be nothing.

bloodwork is below, if anyone is interested or if any vets want to
take a second look at it and see if anything sstands out that my doc
might have missed...


this is the actual breakdown [normals are in brackets]:

hematocrit=53.0% [43.0-55.0]
wbc=3.0 thds/cmm[2.5-8.0]
platelet est. adequate

absolute polys=1470 (49%)
absolute lymphs=1350 (45%)
absolute monos=90 (3%)
absolute eos=60 (2%)
absolute basos=30 (1%)

glucose=80 mg/dl [80-120]
urea nitrogen=24 mg/dl [10-33]
creatinine=0.3 mg/dl [0.2-0.8]
total protein=7.3 g/dl [5.5-7.6]
albumin=3.9 g/dl [2.4-4.5]
bilirubin, total=0.3 mg/dl [0.0-1.0]
alkaline phosphatase=43 u/l [15-45]
alt(SGPT)=211 u/l [10-200]
ast(SGOT)=75 u/l [50-200]
cholesterol=161 mg/dl [60-300]
calcium=10.3 mg/dl [7.7-11.0]
phosphorus=3.6 mg/dl [4.2-8.5]
sodium=150 meq/l [140-160]
potassium=5.4 meq/l [4.3-5.8]
chloride=116 meq/l [90-110]
globulin=3.4 g/dl [2.9-4.9]
cpk=382 u/l

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\(_ \(_ ferrets may nip, but people just suck.

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