Message Number: YG11957 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Marie Bartholdsson
Date: 2002-03-19 06:35:00 UTC
Subject: Re: ferret longevity and disease

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "sukieferret" <sukiecrandall@t...> wrote:

>It sounds like you are used to the diseases that you are encountering there
>have adjusted to them; for the most part people here who are used to
>and use resources seem to feel the same way about the diseases here

I know what you mean, but I don’t think I will ever adjust or accept any
pregeriatric disease as being a normal occurrence for the majority in a
population of ferrets. Since ferrets here from the "old background" seems to
have a lower incidence of diseases I can only conclude that ferrets or
polecats as a species is not normally an animal with excessive health
Problem is diseases like cancer usually don’t show up until the affected
ferret have already been bred, often for several seasons.

I was wondering, do the majority of the US ferrets stay healthy until 7-8
years? It was my understanding that the majority did not but maybe I’m


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