Message Number: YG12028 | New FHL Archives Search
From: dr_bruce_williams
Date: 2002-03-24 21:15:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Dental Care

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., Stephen and Robin Price
<snrprice@b...> wrote:
> You want to look for a vet who is board certified in animal
> and/or oral surgery.

That's a very good suggestion. If you simply go to the yellow pages
here on Yahoo, and type in your home town and the search
keywords "veterinary dentist" - you 'll probably come up with

Ferrets don't really get cavities, but you may be looking at a broken
tooth, with a slab fracture showing the pulp cavity. Ferrets get a
type of cavity-like lesion underneath the gumline called a resorptive
defect, although I've never seen one (although I've never much
looked - but I'm going to start).

with kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM