Message Number: YG12222 | New FHL Archives Search
From: rocky_rrr
Date: 2002-04-03 01:22:00 UTC
Subject: Health Certificates - Interstate Transport

I have seen the certs that come with some pet store ferrets. They
basically state that the ferret has "no known communicable diseases"

1. Communicable to ferrets or humans; what diseases are they
referring to?

2. If the ferret is picked up from the farm by a distibutor, is the
distributor required to get another vet to sign off on the Health
Cert? Scenario; ferret farm is in one state, distributor another,
pet store another

3. Validity of cert - What window of time between health cert being
given to delivery?

4. In the vet signing off that the ferret has no known communicable
diseases how is this diagnosis obtained?

Barbara Clay, Director of Shelter Affairs
Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter, Inc.
Maryland Ferret Protection and Welfare Society, Inc.

Parkton, Maryland