Kaye Nolan
Date: 2002-04-05 23:51:00 UTC
Subject: Max Jumped-had shock
Hello everyone,
My Max is still having fur problems so I bathed him yesterday, I
went to go and take him to his cage (he was dry though fully) and I
took towels with him, I wrapped him (I thought it was tightly) in
the towels, and he climbed out, onto my shoulder, and I bent over to
try and grab him but he'd climber / walked even accross my back, I
couldn't ge thim, and my mom was in the living room so she couldn't
help, then he jumped, he landed sort of funny, not on his head but I
cannot remember how he landed it's had to discribe because I grabbed
him quickly. He had shock, well I presume so because he was eager to
get out of my hands before and htne he was just laying there, don't
ask my why but I thought he was dying on my :(, anyway, i took him
to a wuiet place and wrapped him in the towels and talked to him
gently etc, what you're ment to do for shock, then after about five
minutes or so he was normal and trying to get out of my hands to
look at Monty my cat who was sleeping on my moms bed. He must of
fell I'd say possible 50cm at the very most as i was bent over.All I
can remmember from the fall was that he landed partially on his neck
sort of head area, and most of the top body, it was onto slads (my
patio in my garden) he's just the same as though nothing happened,
and still hyper etc, I checked him before I went to bed last night,
and he's the same as usual, I just wanted to post to check with you
all that he would be ok? we might be going back to the vets soon any
way, but bits of fur seem to be growing back so we're waiting till
the end of easter holls to see how he goes. (another week)
Also, I had him neutered on the 5th of May, almost five weeks ago
now, the vet said to leave him about six week before he can go in
with the girls. He still seems quite hyper to me, I put Snowy in the
run with him the other day they were fine, I thought he was going to
bite her neck but he licked her instead...Fynn isn't spayed but has
had a jill jab and is getting spayed hopefully soon, I was
wondering, if he's still a bit hyper from being in season, should I
leave him longer? I may ask the et about it if we go..
Love Kaye
p.s. Thanks for any help, Well appreciate it :)
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