Message Number: YG12386 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-04-09 12:58:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Digest Number 683

I am new to the Ferret page and am so happy to find it ........I
have an 8 yr. old male ferret that has had a tumor removed off his
neck + 2 of his cage mates have died (one was 14 yrs old and the
other was 10 yrs. old) recently I noticed he was "off his feed" and
lethargic when I took him to the vet they said he has ulcers and put
him on med. for bacteria infection and the ulcers what I need to
know is if he has ulcers can I also put him on goats milk as it has
been known to help heal ulcers.
Thanks and agen thank God for this web page and the news letter.