Caitlyn Martin
Date: 2002-04-10 15:05:00 UTC
Subject: Folow up: adrenal surgery on an older ferret
Hi, everyone,
Podo, my 7.5 year old male, had a right adenalectomy today. It was a
big tumor, quite a bit larger than my vet had anticipated, and he did
have to ligate the vena cava to get the whole thing out. Podo is now
awake, alert, and came through the surgery just fine. He's on pain
meds, and he'll spend the night at the emergency clinic just in
case, but he should come home tomorrow. Right now everything looks
My vet also mentioned that he used ceboflourine (sp?) as the
anaesthetic, and that this is something they have only started using
recently. It's supposed to be easier to regulate and safer for
geriatric and high risk patients. Podo was awake just 15 minutes after
I'll keep y'all posted as to how Podo's recovery goes. I think I can
say with a bit more confidence now that seven years old is not too old
for adrenal surgery when done by a really good, experienced ferret vet.
All the best,
Caity Martin
Youngsville, NC