Message Number: YG12445 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Ulrike Stanley
Date: 2002-04-12 13:58:00 UTC
Subject: Melatonin not working anymore

I'm writing regarding a friend, her ferret Jeany (she weighs 1.160kg) has
had adrenal disease since last May/ June. Back then her vulva was swollen
and her skin was a little bad, she was started on 0.5mg melatonin last June
and the swelling of the vulva quickly went down. Now she is starting to
show signs of adrenal disease again. She has a small bald patch above her
tail and when my friend scruffed her, she had quite a bit of hair in her
hand afterwards. Jeany's skin is getting bad as well, she has itchy, flaky
and red skin but her skin isn't inflamed. The vulva isn't swollen.

My friend doesn't know what to do now. If the melatonin isn't working
anymore, she would like to stop it (and possibly try another drug) but
doesn't know whether to wean her off it or could she stop it from one day to
another? I was wondering whether an increase of the dose could help, I
thought the dose was 1mg/kg? What if she increased the dosage and it worked
and stopped working again eventually, is there any point in increasing it
any more?

Best wishes from
and Bella, Mason, Baby, Dana, Fox, Reno, Rose, Jasmine, Hobo, Gremlin,
Bobby, Willow and Tara

Missing Angel, Hope, Igor, Barney, Tom, Spike, Jilly and Jack

West Wales Ferret Welfare
E-mail: ferretlove@n...
Last update 22/03/02

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