Message Number: YG12469 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Soledad
Date: 2002-04-14 08:22:00 UTC

Hi everyone. I'm writing for a friend. I'm so glad my ferret
is ok, because her ferret is really bad.

My friend Laura is from Mexico and yesterday her ferret Buffy
fell from the 4th floor. They thought she was dead!

But luckily they found her alive and only with a wound below
his mouth. They took her to the vet and he said that Buffy had
no fractures. He gave her a shot to prevent shock and for the
pain. Buffy now is sleeping a lot.

My friend wants to know if the sleeping is normal, how is the
recovery process and what symphtoms should she check to be
sure Buffy is fine... What are the complications from this
kind of accident?? My friend is very worried and don't know
what to do to help her ferret.
Please, any advice would be great. I'll send her all the

Soledad (and Laura)