Message Number: YG12585 | New FHL Archives Search
From: kath0524
Date: 2002-04-19 05:43:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Collar injury

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., sinexr@h... wrote:
> Now I think it may have been a mistake, but I've had my three
wearing collars 24/7.

Personally, I don't keep collars on any of mine. I did at first and
decided there were too many hazards. Mine get a harness if they are
going outside but that's it.

It sounds like the collar was on too tight. That actually happened
to one of my ferrets and that's why I quit keeping collars on them.
As they grow, you have to keep loosening the collar. You should be
able to slip a finger between the collar and their body. But, if
it's too loose, they can get out of it. It's hard to adjust them
just right.

Be careful using hydrogen peroxide too much. It should only be used
once on an injury, to my understanding. After that, it can start
damaging tissue.
