Message Number: YG12597 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-04-19 09:56:00 UTC
Subject: Re: EG ferret not eating again!

Maggie is going on a food strike again! She won't eat the z/d in kibble form, now she's refusing the z/d in soup form. Is it OK to give her Turkey or Beef baby food?
Also are there any treats anyone can recommend that aren't chicken based?
She just looks so unhappy and uncomfortable to me and I feel terrible for her. She use to be my bouncy, chatty girl and now she just kinds of lies there doing nothing. The vet sees her every 6 weeks and there isn't much we can do for her.
She'll be five in September.
Thanks for any help, I know I write about her a lot but I keep thinking that someone may have learned something new that I don't know about.
Connie, Butch, Maggie, and CB