Message Number: YG12602 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2002-04-19 11:40:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Collar injury

Collar monitoring and design matter. Ferret sizes can increase,
and some collars can shrink over time.

We have used them on and off. One style we won't use, though,
is theone that tightens in a manner similar to a seatbelt. We had
one ferret almost kill another ferret by tightening one of those
during grooming and the more the choking ferret would choke
the more th groomer would panic and pull on the collar making it
worse. Fortuneately, another ferret brought me in and
oeverythign worked out, but the one ferret was in grim shape at

There are collars with elastic strips to prevent some types of

Oh, if they are too loose you can have a situation in which a ferret
pushes it back over the chest, with or without a leg or two pinned
in it.

Perhaps those who have long records ot collars working out well
will want to give their useful ips and say how long they have
used them?