Pat Stauffer
Date: 2002-04-28 23:55:00 UTC
Subject: prepucial adenocarcinoma
Thank you Dr. Williams. I am going to have the X-ray done, if
that is inconclusive, I will take him for an ultra-sound.
Unfortunately, the pathologist told me it was not a clean
excision, there were tumor cells in all margins of the sample.
This particular growth was subcutaneous and proximal to the
prepuce. It was excised from the side so as to stay away from
the prepuce itself.
He did not do well with the surgery. Not quite sure what
happened. Shortly after surgery I went to check on him and he
was in the litter pan. He had a huge hematoma and could not
urinate. He had a bleeder in there somewhere. He had to be
reopened, the bleeder sealed off and then had a drain placed.
Other than being extremely bruised, healing was uneventful
from there. If there is no metastasis, would you suggest going
in to look for more, or waiting until it starts to grow again?
Thank you for your help
Pat Stauffer