Message Number: YG12849 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Moxie
Date: 2002-05-03 12:56:00 UTC
Subject: high BUN and creatinine

In response to Carol, the high BUN and creatinine levels indicate kidney
failure. Normal BUN range is about 12-43 and the creatin is 0.2-0.6.
Your readings of 127 and 5.1 are extemely high and worrisome. How old
is the ferret? It helps to know the age. I don't know about the
diarrhea. If a/d food has high protein, I would discontinue that. I
lost my Chance to renal failure following surgery and his values were
extremely high, 180 and 10.5. I.V. fluids for two days did nothing to
bring it down. Your ferret may be refusing to eat because of mouth
ulcers brought on by kidney disease. That is what happened to Chance
and I regret forcefeeding, although I didn't know he was in renal
failure at the time. If your vet determines it is indeed renal failure
and hopeless, it's best to let him go instead of suffering. I hope I'm
wrong. Also, is his urine clear? I know it has been mentioned that you
can't go by the urine color, but in the three cases of kidney failure
I've encountered, the urine was clear.
Best wishes.
Moxie and Nexus missing Chance