Message Number: YG12929 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2002-05-06 15:49:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Fasting

>fast your ferret for 24 hours to insure thier stomace is
>empty?...They looked at the xray from
>Sunday and said that her little stomac seems to be very enlargeed.

We have one whose stomach is very enlarged and his stomach has had
food it in 8 hours after starting a fast. That is very unusual and
due to his aberration. Have heard of one with a similar problem who
had the same sort of thing. Perhaps your vet has encountered that,
too. 24 hours does seem long, though there may be a special reason
for it. Why not just leave a message for your vet asking for a
call-back and then ask why. Since your vet knows the specific
situation that would get the info you want. I don't know why 24 hours would be considered unless the vet thinks that it might for some reason reduce inflammation or help in diagnosis, but Steve and I do have an unsual one (very enlarged stomach) who now needs at least 10 hours of fasting before he can be cut again. Some individuals do fit outside the norm when a special situation that most haven't encountered is present. Since you mention an enlarged stomach I have to wonder about that possibility creating caution to prevent the ferret from possibly dying of inhaled regurgitation.