Message Number: YG12959 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Marla Wadsworth
Date: 2002-05-07 16:50:00 UTC
Subject: Re: out side?

I dont know about keeping them outside because they are very sensitive to
heat but I would never let a ferret have access to a rabbit. I know there
are some exceptions and some people will disagree but I had a giunea pig
killed by a ferret and I think they are in the same family

> Can you keep ferrets outside with rabbits in a huge hutch? We are in
> Texas, but the area has trees covering it as well as gets a breeze.

[Quick note: rabbits are lagomorphs, GPs are caviomorphs -- new world (NW) rodents, and OW rodents are hystricomorphs -- don't trust my spelling since it's been a while... While some individual ferrets have been fine with such critters that luck can't be expected to be near the norm.-- Sukie]