Message Number: YG12980 | New FHL Archives Search
From: kathie weber
Date: 2002-05-08 05:40:00 UTC
Subject: Re: want to adopt a 3 year old ferret in am

Hi, I have adopted 3 rescues of various ages in the
past and have had no real problems with the older
ones. The 6 month old on the other hand is a handful
only because of his age. He has soooo much energy. I
have grandchildren of ages 2-10 and never had a
problem with them and the kids. They (the ferts) were
shy at first, but I expected that because of their
history. Now they are the sweetest kids I have ever
seen. All they needed was lots of love and love. Now I
have absolutely no qualms letting them with anyone as
long as my visitors realize that they might have a lap
partner. I hope sopmeone can advise you about the
tumor, but I would bring Jasper home and love love
love him. Good Luck Kathie
--- snuggliepets <janieg@s...> wrote:
> I am thinking of adopting a 3 year old male ferret
> in the morning from my local shelter. <snip>