Message Number: YG12982 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Antoinette Spirig
Date: 2002-05-08 09:27:00 UTC
Subject: Re: want to adopt a 3 year old ferret in am

Usualy a tumor or such will have been taking care of by the shelter which is
why they need a donation you do not know what else is wrong . It is a
gamble, but if you purchased one you would not know what would happen but if
you do not have the money in the event there are problems I would pass, also
call your vet for the surgery and blood tests and erays could cost 200-500
or possible more if they find more. Just a thought hope I helped

>From: "snuggliepets" <janieg@s...>
>Subject: [Ferret-Health-list] want to adopt a 3 year old ferret in am
>Date: Wed, 08 May 2002 02:50:29 -0000
>I am thinking of adopting a 3 year old male ferret in the morning
>from my local shelter. The difficulty is that he has a tumor above
>his eye and that was the reason he was given up. Does anyone know if
>it is a serious or expensive surgery? I realize we're just guessing
>because we haven't seen "Jasper" yet. Also does anyone have an
>opinion on adopted ferrets. Are they trustworthy if you treat them
>well and love them up! My ferret recently died and we would love to
>give a homeless one a second chance. I have 2 children ages 1 and 8.
>We won't let the 1 year old be alone with a ferret or handle her but
>ferrets and little ones are very curious. We had no problems with our
>ferret that we had from when she was under 2 months old. Whenever she
>would get nippy we were able to easily get her to stop. Are there any
>ferrets that are mean or fear biters? My ferret was an angel but I'm
>worried about a ferret I don't know. Thanks!

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